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Hip Reconstruction Following a Hip Fracture or Traumatic Hip Injury

A hip fracture is a serious injury that occurs when there is a break in one of the hip bones, usually occurring in the upper part of the femur or in the pelvic bone. When a fracture or other traumatic hip injury occurs, it can result in significant pain and limited movement, making day-to-day activities a challenge. Unfortunately, the risk of sustaining this type of injury increases with age.

There are many different surgery options for hip reconstruction after you fracture your hip or experience a traumatic hip injury. Top Manhattan hip surgeon, Dr. Yevgeniy Korshunov, specializes in hip reconstruction surgery, tailoring reconstructive hip treatments based on each patient’s unique needs.


What occurs when you sustain a hip fracture?

In order to understand how hip fractures occur, it’s important to understand basic hip anatomy. The hip joints attach your thigh bones (the femurs) to your pelvis. The heads of the femurs fit into sockets in your pelvic bones.

A hip fracture is defined as a crack or break in the top end (the neck) of the femur, nearest the hip joint. It can either occur in the part of the femur inside the socket (intracapsular), or outside the socket (extracapsular). The appropriate hip reconstruction procedure will depend upon the type of hip fracture or hip injury you’ve sustained.


What are the common causes of a hip fracture or traumatic hip injury?

Numerous things can cause a hip fracture or serious hip injury. Some hip fractures are minor and cause only pain, while other fractures can be more serious, requiring significant surgical repair. Severe impact injuries, such as those sustained from automobile accidents, are one common cause of hip fractures and traumatic hip injuries.

Hard falls are another common cause. In some cases, a fall from a standing height can result in a hip fracture, and older people with osteoporosis are at a higher risk for these types of injuries due to the weakness of their bones. In other cases, patients with weak bones can sustain a hip fracture by simply standing on the leg and twisting it the wrong way. Brittle bones combined with balance problems, muscle weakness or impaired vision can all play a role.


What are the symptoms of a hip fracture or traumatic hip injury?

If you have fractured or injured your hip, the first telltale sign will be pain. This pain is usually accompanied by the inability to lift, move or rotate your leg.

In addition, after sustaining a traumatic hip injury, you may also:

  • Have swelling or bruising in your hip
  • Be unable to put weight on your hip and leg, in fact, you may not even be able to stand
  • Notice that your leg is shorter on the injured side, or that it turns outwards more than the uninjured leg


What are the treatment options following a hip fracture or traumatic hip injury?

In most cases, treatment for a hip fracture or serious hip injury usually involves a combination of hip reconstruction surgery, rehabilitation and medication. The appropriate reconstruction surgery generally depends on the severity of the fracture, your age and overall health.


What are the hip reconstruction surgery options?

Reconstructive hip surgery is a surgical procedure done to restore your mobility and alleviate hip pain. The primary goal is to restore range of motion of the hip joint and to relieve pain, offering increased mobility, independence and an improved quality of life.

There are a number of different surgical procedures, and the most suitable option will depend upon your needs. After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Yevgeniy Korshunov will be able to determine the best approach.

Hip reconstruction surgery may involve one or more of the following approaches:

Hip Replacement (Hip Arthroplasty)
This involves removing the damaged joint surface and replacing it with an artificial implant or prosthesis. In some cases, an anterior approach hip replacement, which is a less invasive procedure, may be an option.

Hip Resurfacing
This also involves artificial joint parts, but unlike traditional hip replacement surgery, it doesn’t involve removing the head of the femur. The femoral head is instead trimmed and capped with a covering of smooth metal. After removing damaged bone and cartilage, the hip socket is lined with a metal shell.

Hip Osteotomy
In this procedure, the damaged hip bone is cut, reshaped and fixed in a new position. This realigns the load-bearing surfaces of the joint to distribute weight more evenly, reducing strain and wear and tear.

Hip Arthroscopy
This minimally invasive surgical procedure may be an effective treatment for some less severe hip injuries. It is performed with the aid of an arthroscope, a long tube with a camera attached, which projects images of the joint interior to a video monitor in order to guide surgical repairs.


Where can I find a hip reconstruction specialist in New York?

If you’re faced with the possibility of having hip reconstruction surgery, seeing a trained specialist in this field is essential. NY Orthopedics’ fellowship-trained physician, Dr. Yevgeniy Korshunov, can ensure that you receive the most up-to-date and appropriate treatment and achieve the best possible outcomes. Dr. Korshunov is committed to providing the latest hip reconstruction treatments, designed to get you back to living your life without hip pain.

If you’ve suffered from a hip fracture or other traumatic hip injury, request a consultation with Dr. Korshunov to learn more about your hip reconstruction options.

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